(2)孵化 待卵团吸水膨胀后迅速将其移入孵化池进行孵化,卵团孵化密度以4团/米2为佳。水温在15℃左右孵化率较高,低于10℃和高于20℃都会降低孵化率。水位在15-80厘米均可,具体情况视当时的温度而定,温度低可以适当降低水位,增加光照,但是一定要保证受精
(2) hatching to be swollen eggs to be swollen after the egg into the incubator hatching, eggs hatching density of 4 / m2 is better. The hatching rate is higher when the water temperature is about 15 ℃, and the hatching rate is lower than 10 ℃ and higher than 20 ℃. The water level can be 15-80 centimeters, depending on the specific circumstances depending on the temperature at that time, low temperature can be appropriate to reduce the water level, increase the light, but we must ensure that fertilization