茂物植物园(Bogor Botanic Gardens)位于“雨城”——茂物市中心,现占地85公顷。前身是一个种植场,那时是作为印度尼西亚经济植物引种中心。1817年在德国植物学家C.G.C.Reindwart主持下建成植物园,当时面积仅47公顷。1817年至1822年,Reindwart担任首任园长,期间引进植物900种。第二任园长C.L.Blume于1823年出版了第一个植物名录,记载了914种植物。
Bogor Botanic Gardens is located in the rainy city of Bogor city center, now covers an area of 85 hectares. Formerly a plantation, it was used as an introduction center for Indonesian economic plants. In 1817 under the auspices of the German botanist C.G.C.Reindwart built botanical garden, was an area of only 47 hectares. From 1817 to 1822, Reindwart served as the first headmaster, bringing in 900 species of plants. The second director C.L.Blume published in 1823 the first plant directory, recorded 914 kinds of plants.