俄罗斯分析人士认为,俄糖甜菜作物收成较预期乐观,意味着俄罗斯本季原糖的产量增加而进口前景不如预期。 据俄罗斯国家统计委统计,1999年俄糖甜菜产量为1520万吨,比1998年增加41%。 F.O.Licht在其全球糖产需初步估测中称,俄罗斯的糖产量为179
Russian analysts believe that the Russian sugar beet crop yields more optimistic than expected, implying that Russia’s raw sugar production increased this season and the import prospects were not as expected. According to the statistics of the Russian State Statistics Committee, the output of Russian sugar beet was 15.2 million tons in 1999, an increase of 41% over 1998. F. O. Licht stated in its preliminary estimate of global sugar production that Russia’s sugar production is 179