安全生产管理对于一个为社会提供公 共产品的电网企业来说,是基础,是前提,是 一个永恒的需要认真作答的命题,是一项没 有终点的工作。要创新安全生产管理,实现 安全生产的“预控、可控”,建设“安全可靠、 结构合理、技术先进、统一开放”的电网体 系,就必须重视安全生产管理。 “以人为本,安全第一”是电力企业必须 坚持的方针和信守的规则。如果在“以人为 本,安全第一”这张军令状下的执行力上存 在偏差,那将给社会、企业和员工造成巨大 的伤害,最终必将会酿成严重的苦果。借古 论今,电网企业开展生产经营活动,除了要 具备安全生产条件、创建安全生产环境外, 其活动过程中的执行力显得尢为重要。以 人为本,就是维护员工群众的根本利益,要 把保护员工群众的生命和健康作为安全生 产管理工作的出发点和落脚点。安全第一, 就是要把保护员工群众的生命、健康放在第 一位。不管从客观上看,还是从主观上来说, 安全管理涉及的主要因素是人。安全生产 管理制度规定制定是人,安全生产违章操作
Production safety management is a prerequisite for a power grid enterprise that provides public goods to society. It is an eternal proposition that needs to be seriously answered and is an end-of-life work. To innovate safety management, realize “pre-control and controllable” safety production and establish a “safe, reliable, well-structured, technologically advanced and unified open” power grid system, we must attach importance to safety management. “People-oriented, safety first” is the power enterprises must adhere to the principles and rules. If there is a deviation in the enforcement power under the “people-oriented and safety-first” military order, it will cause tremendous damage to society, enterprises and employees, and will eventually result in serious bitter consequences. By ancient theory, power grid enterprises to carry out production and business activities, in addition to have the conditions for safe production, to create a safe production environment, the implementation of its activities in the process is particularly important. People-oriented, that is, to safeguard the fundamental interests of the masses of employees, we must take the protection of the lives of employees and health as the starting point and the foothold of work safety management. Safety first is to take the lead in protecting the lives and health of the staff and workers. Whether objectively or subjectively, the main factor involved in safety management is human beings. Production safety management system is the formulation of regulations, production of illegal operations