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菲律宾某地最大设计风速达到215 km/h,风力17级,属于飓风,因此大跨屋盖的结构设计异常困难。该地的某大跨体育馆的下层屋盖为游泳馆屋盖,并作为上层屋盖的支承点和看台;上层屋盖为大跨度空间钢桁架结构,屋盖东西长为130.0 m,南北宽为31.0 m。考虑屋盖跨度大、整体结构超长的特点,上层屋盖采用平面管桁架形式,下侧游泳馆屋面及看台采用空间三角管桁架结构。基于屋盖结构方案的可行性比选,选取普通框架管桁架结构、斜拉空间桁架、斜拉空间桁架加配重3种方案,进行结构整体建模的非线性分析,比较整体结构的挠度、构件规格、结构用材以及可施工性。分析认为,结构方案3具有较好的经济性和结构性能,比较适用于考虑飓风作用下大跨空间结构的结构形式。 Somewhere in the Philippines, the maximum design wind speed reaches 215 km / h and the wind power is 17, which is a hurricane. Therefore, the structural design of long-span roofs is extremely difficult. The lower part of a large-span stadium in the area is the swimming pool roof and serves as the supporting point and stands of the upper roof. The upper roof is a large-span steel truss structure with a 130.0 m long east-west roof and a wide north-south width of 31.0 m. Taking into account the large span of the roof, the overall structure of the characteristics of long, upper roof with flat tube truss form, the lower swimming pool roof and stands with spatial triangular trussed structure. Based on the feasibility comparison of roof structure scheme, three schemes of ordinary frame tube truss structure, diagonal space truss, oblique space truss plus counterweight are selected to conduct nonlinear analysis of the overall structural model, and to compare the deflection of the whole structure, Specifications, structural materials and workability. According to the analysis, the structural scheme 3 has better economy and structural performance, and is more suitable for considering the structural form of the long-span space structure under the effect of the hurricane.
摘要:课堂是实施教学的主要场所,教师应在转变教学观念的同时,培养学生自主学习的习惯,学生良好的学习习惯有利于教师顺利开展教学。本文简要论述了小学低年级学生自主学习习惯的养成。  关键词:小学低年级 自主学习习惯  要想培养小学低年级学生的自主学习能力,教师必须从培养学生良好的学习习惯开始。学习习惯的好坏直接影响学生学习的效果,也影响学生未来的生活和工作。  一、在课堂教学中引导学生掌握学习方法  
脑干脑炎即病毒性或脱髓鞘性脑炎脑干型.以其受损部位的功能障碍及相应的颅神经损害为主要临床表现.本文侧重描述其脑电图的特点及其与临床的关系.1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本
“中关村初步形成了战略性新兴产业的创新集群,开展了一系列产业化示范应用,成为中国战略性新兴产业的策源地。”中关村管委会副主任李石柱表示。    5月27-31日,中关村自主创新成果展将战略性新兴产业作为展示的“重头戏”在国展中心4号馆“上演”。该展馆以“引领战略性新兴产业,建设全球科技创新中心”为主题进行全面展示。  记者了解到,展览分为云计算、物联网、智能电网、移动互联网、低碳技术、生物工程与新