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作为国内体育营销的佼佼者,纽崔莱倡导健康生活方式的品牌理念深入人心,此次在《变形金刚4》电影营销方面的举措是该品类市场营销的创新之举,从体育成功跨界影视营销。提到安利纽崔莱,想必大家最先想到的就是“阳光、活力、健康”这些词汇,一直以来,该品牌作为中国体育营销的尝鲜者,其在体育营销方面的建树颇受赞誉,其之后许多品牌才发现中国居民早餐问题,纷纷试图占领消费者的餐桌。如今,观众们将会从《变形金刚4——绝迹重生》电影银幕上看到纽崔莱的健康活力形象。 As a leader in domestic sports marketing, Nutrilite advocates the brand concept of healthy lifestyle deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The move in the “Transformers 4” movie marketing is an innovative move of this category of marketing and success from sports to cross-border film and television marketing. Mentioned Amway Nutrilite, surely we first thought of is the “sunshine, vitality, health,” these words, the brand has been as the Chinese sports marketing adopters, its sports marketing has been acclaimed, after which Many brands found the Chinese residents breakfast, have tried to occupy the consumer’s table. Now, viewers will see Nutrilite healthy and vibrant image from the screen of Transformers 4 - Extinction.