于亓,28岁,图书管理员我们是朋友介绍认识的,一点都不浪漫。当时我26,他28。大家都过了异想天开的年纪,相互之间也没抱多少幻想。就当多一个朋友而已。见过几次之后,有一天我接到他的传呼,呼机上的留言我到现在还保存着——下雨啦,收衣服啦,雨伞(我住的地下室不见天日,所以不出门去我无从知道外面天气)。我笑了起来,想起那次谈到《大话西游》时的情景。那句留言促使我做了个决定。第二天我单独约了他去打球。这是我们惟一的共同爱好。他的球打得很散漫,和他的人一样。好在我也不喜争强好胜。从个性上来说,我和他还真有些相像。一起吃饭的时候他讲了他的诸多臭毛病,大有一副“我就是这样的你看着办”的无赖相,然后就直盯着我。我只好说:“我也有很多毛病的。” 我们的恋爱就这样开始了。不知道是不是因为这个开
Yu 亓, 28 years old, librarian We are friends to introduce understanding, not romantic at all. At that time I 26, he 28. Everyone had a whimsical age and no fantasy of each other. Just one more friend. I met him after a few times, and one day I left a message on the pager. I still have it - it’s raining, getting dressed, an umbrella (I live in the basement, so I do not go out to see me Can not know the outside weather). I laughed and remembered the scene when talking about “Westward Journey.” The message prompted me to make a decision. The next day I asked him to play alone. This is our only common hobby. His ball is very casual, just like his own. Fortunately, I do not like to be victorious. Personally, I really like him. When he was having dinner together, he talked about many of his smelly illnesses, and there was a “rogue phase I was like you are looking at.” Then I stared at me. I have to say: “I have a lot of problems. ” Our love began. Do not know if this is open