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马克思恩格斯哲学文本解读是中国马克思主义哲学基础理论研究的重要内容,其目的在于探究马克思恩格斯哲学文本的历史原貌,理解马克思恩格斯哲学文本的内在实质,在此基础上把握马克思恩格斯哲学文本解读的中国语境,使马克思恩格斯哲学文本研究成果有益于当前中国社会实践。马克思恩格斯哲学文本解读不应力求建构一种文本哲学,而应力图从实际生活层面重读马克思恩格斯哲学文本,确认其实践旨趣及其时代精神,为当代中国社会发展提供与时俱进的思想资源。 The interpretation of Marx and Engels’s philosophical texts is an important part of the study of the basic theory of Marxist philosophy in China. Its purpose is to explore the historical origin of the philosophical texts of Marx and Engels, to understand the intrinsic essence of the philosophical texts of Marx and Engels, to grasp the Chinese interpretation of Marx and Engels’s philosophical texts Context, so that the research results of Marx and Engels philosophical text is beneficial to the current Chinese social practice. Instead of trying to construct a philosophical text, Marx and Engels should try to reread the philosophical text of Marx and Engels from the perspective of actual life, confirm its practical purpose and its spirit of the times, and provide the ideological resources to advance with the times for the development of contemporary Chinese society.
1病例介绍患者,女,32岁.因牙周炎,于2001年12月服用甲硝唑0.2 g,tid;红霉素0.25 g,tid.给药后3 d,患者颈左部近下颌处奇痒难忍,用手搔之,局部呈现椭圆形红色斑(约3.5 cm&#215
【正】 研究云冈石窟的艺术成就,往往要涉及沿革地理方面的一些问题。根据近年学习所得,理成三事,书供研究与爱好者参考。大同与战国云中郡战国、秦汉时期今大同并不属于云中