Pelagic Nitrogen Cycling in Jiaozhou Bay, a Model Study I: the Conceptual Model

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HGameG
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A zero dimensional box model (PNCMjzb) with six state variables (ammonium, nitrate, dissolved organic nitrogen, phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus) was developed to study nitrogen cycling in the Jiaozhou Bay pelagic ecosystem. The dominant processes within these compartments are considered with nitrogen as flow currency. Phytoplankton and zooplankton are treated as separate state variables, assuming that the species composition was dominated by two or three species the dynamic constants of which are similar and that they represent the entire plankton community. The microbial loop has not been integrated explicitly in the model. The turnover of bacteria is included implicitly in processes such as detritus decomposition, DON remineralization, pelagic nitrification and denitrification. The model is driven by two forcing variables, viz. water temperature and light intensity. Historical data from the1980s and 1990s were compiled and used for model calibration. In this paper (part I), the consideration of every main compartment in the model is interpreted in detail. And the applied equations and parameters are presented. The main results from the simulations together with discussion about phytoplankton dynamics and primary production in Jiaozhou Bay are presented in the next paper (part II). A zero dimensional box model (PNCMjzb) with six state variables (ammonium, nitrate, dissolved organic nitrogen, phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus) was developed to study nitrogen cycling in the Jiaozhou Bay pelagic ecosystem. The dominant processes within these compartments are considered with nitrogen as flow currency. Phytoplankton and zooplankton are treated as separate state variables, assuming that the species composition was dominated by two or three species the dynamic constants of which are similar and that they represent the entire plankton community. The microbial loop has not been integrated explicitly in the model. The turnover of bacteria is included implicitly in processes such as detritus decomposition, DON remineralization, pelagic nitrification and denitrification. The model is driven by two forcing variables, viz. water temperature and light intensity. Historical data from the1980s and 1990s were compiled and used for model calibration. In this paper (part I), the consideration of every main compartment in the model is interpreted in detail. And the applied equations and parameters are presented. The main results from the simulations together with discussion about phytoplankton dynamics and primary production in Jiaozhou Bay are presented in the next paper (part II ).
时隔16年,湖南省检察院原检察长李志辉仍然记得,2002年3月21日,在北京人民大会堂,时任国家主席江泽民与全国首批42名大检察官会面的场景。在讲话中,江泽民强调,要“刚正不阿,执法如山”。随后,最高人民检察院检察长、首席大检察官韩杼滨向李志辉颁发了厚重的褐色封皮的二级大检察官等级证书,李志辉正式成为湖南省历史上第一位大检察官。    在李志辉家中,仍然珍藏着一张当日他与其他大检察官走出人民大会堂
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