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掐指一算,戴晖不禁都有些惊异,不知不觉间,她竟然已经在营销战线工作了27年。戴晖是岳阳市烟草专卖局(公司)高级客户经理,自1990年来到岳阳烟草,虽然岗位数次调整,却始终不曾离开过营销。戴晖说自己喜欢随遇而安,组织安排什么工作,她就做好什么工作。在同事们看来,她是心怀责任,无论什么岗位,无论哪件工作,都尽心尽力,以求做到最好。 Pinch count, Dai Hui can not help but have some surprises, unconsciously, she had even worked in the marketing front for 27 years. Dai Hui, a senior account manager of Yueyang Tobacco Monopoly Administration (the company), came to Yueyang Tobacco from 1990. Although he has adjusted several positions, he never left marketing. Dai Hui said he likes to meet the best of the best, organized what kind of work arrangements, she would do what work. In my colleagues view, she is responsible, no matter what position, no matter what kind of work, are dedicated, in order to achieve the best.