
来源 :电力建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigjohn6120
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沁北电厂2×600 MW超临界机组使用本生型直流锅炉。锅炉启动时,要进行锅炉的冷态清洗、锅炉点火及热态清洗、汽轮机冲转与暖机、锅炉的直流运行等步骤。该锅炉启动初期,发生过热蒸汽超温现象,原因是总风量超过燃烧要求、投入的燃料量太多、给水流量偏大、减温水量设计不合理和减温水管安装时内部不干净。采取了检查减温水管道系统、减温水系统的改造、降低启动点火时的给水流量、减少燃料的输入量等措施,使各项参数均达到设计要求。 Qinbei Power Plant 2 × 600 MW supercritical unit using Bunsen DC boiler. When the boiler is started, it is necessary to carry out the steps of cold cleaning of the boiler, ignition of the boiler and cleaning of the hot state, flushing and warming of the steam turbine and DC operation of the boiler. The boiler started early, superheated steam overheating occurred because the total air flow exceeds the combustion requirements, the amount of fuel input too much water flow is too large, unreasonable design of water and reducing the temperature of the water pipe installation is not clean inside. Measures taken to check the water pipe system and the water-reducing water system, to reduce the water supply flow when starting the ignition, and to reduce the input amount of the fuel and so on, all the parameters are up to the design requirements.
我国1 000 MW超超临界机组主要有上汽-SIEMENS机型、东汽-日立机型及哈汽-东芝机型。超超临界机组在低负荷时能滑压运行,故有良好的低负荷运行性能,其主汽压力可随着负荷的降