14岁那年与家人在美国度假的她被风暴模特经纪公司(storm Modeling Agency)发掘。从此,一个延续至今无人能及的Kate时代开始了。与当时走红的那些模特相比,当年的Kate完全不具有当模特的条件。身高仅有170厘米,瘦弱平胸一如幼童,没有笔直修长的美腿,一笑起来时便露出有缝的门牙。此外,镜头前后烟不离手、弓腰驼背,一副瘾君子的病态面貌。但就是这样的她,
She was excavated by the Storm Modeling Agency at her age of 14 with her family on vacation in the United States. Since then, a continuation of today’s Kate era no one can start. Compared with those popular models at the time, when the Kate did not have the model conditions. Height of only 170 cm, thin chest like a child, no straight slender legs, smiling when they reveal the sewing of incisors. In addition, the camera before and after the smoke does not leave, hunched back, a pathological appearance of addicts. But just like her,