2012年12月26日上午,《建筑学报》执行主编、编辑部主任范雪同志来电话告诉我华揽洪先生去世了,我的内心十分伤感,又一位品德高尚、才华出众的著名前辈建筑师离世而去,而且他为新中国的建筑事业和中国建筑学会做出了极大的贡献。中国建筑学会于1955年7月在荷兰海牙召开的国际建筑师协会第四次代表大会上,获得通过正式加入了国际建筑师协会(法文Union Internationale Des Architectes,简称UIA;英文是
On the morning of December 26, 2012, Comrade Fan Xue, executive editor and editor in charge of the Journal of Architecture, called me to tell me that Mr. Hua Lanhong passed away. My heart is very sad. Another noble and talented famous predecessor building Division left, and he made great contributions to the construction of new China and the Chinese Architecture Society. The Chinese Institute of Architecture won the formal approval of the International Association of Architects (French Union Internationale Des Architectes, UIA for short) in English in July 1955 at the Fourth Congress of the International Association of Architects