高屋建瓴 博大精深——周恩来对人民政协的巨大贡献

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周恩来是第一届全国政协副主席。从1954年开始,周恩来是第二、三、四届全国政协主席。这期间,他正确贯彻执行了党的“长期共存、互相监督”的方针和各项统一战线政策,从政治上、思想上、组织上、作风上为人民政协树立了好传统,为做好政协工作奠定了好基础。一、从战略性高度认识人民政协的地位和作用周恩来在第一届政协全体会议期间及其前夕说过,人民政协的产生是我国人民民主统一战线长期发展的必然结果。他指出,自1921年中国共产党成立以来,人民民主统一战线就逐渐建立和发展起来了。1924年,在我党的提议和努力下,几经挫折的孙中山先生接受了我党统一战线的主张,改组国民党,实行第一次国共合作,胜利举行了北伐战争。1927年蒋介石破坏统一战线,镇压共产党和工农群众,造成22年的反动统治。中国共产党在极端困难的条件下,仍然组织和建立反帝、反封建的统一战线。在1936年西安事变的历史转折关头,蒋介石被迫接受中共关于建立抗日民族统一战线的主张,实行第二次国共合作。但国民党反动派对统一战线始终没有诚意,在抗日战争时期多次制造反共磨擦。抗战胜利后,蒋介石又推翻国共两党谈判签订的《双十协定》和政治协商会议(旧政协)的决议,发动了大规模内战。这些事实深深教育了人民,他们汇集到拥护人民解放战争,消灭反动派,把革命进行到底的洪流中来。在这一形势下,中国共产党根据历来统一战线的主张,于1948年纪念五一劳动节口号中,号召各民主党派、各人民团体及社会贤达,迅速召开政治协商会议,讨论并实现召集人民代表大会,成立民主联合政府。这一号召立即得 Zhou Enlai is the first vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. From 1954 onwards, Zhou Enlai is the second, third, fourth chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. During this period, he correctly implemented the party’s principle of “long-term coexistence and mutual supervision” and various united front policies and set a good tradition for the CPPCC from the political, ideological, organizational and work style. In doing so, Good CPPCC work laid a good foundation. I. Recognizing the Position and Role of the CPPCC from a Strategic Height Zhou Enlai said during the plenary session of the first CPPCC and on the eve of the CPPCC that the CPPCC was the inevitable result of the long-term development of the people’s democratic united front in our country. He pointed out: Since the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921, the people’s democratic united front has gradually been established and developed. In 1924, with the proposal and efforts of our party, Sun Yat-sen, who had suffered setbacks, accepted our party’s united front proposal, reorganized the Kuomintang, implemented the first cooperation between the KMT and the CPC and successfully held the Northern Expedition. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek destroyed the United Front, suppressed the Communist Party and the workers and peasants, and caused 22 years of reactionary rule. Under extremely difficult conditions, the Chinese Communist Party still organizes and establishes a united front against imperialism and feudalism. At the turn of the 1936 Xi’an Incident, Chiang Kai-shek was forced to accept the CPC’s proposal of establishing an anti-Japanese national united front and implement the second cooperation between the KMT and the CPC. However, the Kuomintang reactionaries have always been not sincere about the united front and have repeatedly created anti-communist friction in the period of the Anti-Japanese War. After the victory of the war of resistance against Japan, Chiang Kai-shek again overturned the “Double Ten Agreement” and the resolution of the Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) signed by the two parties and launched a large-scale civil war. These facts profoundly educated the people and brought them together to support the people’s war of liberation, eliminate the reactionaries and carry the revolution to the bottom. Under the current situation, the CPC has always called for the convening of the People’s Representative Assembly, the establishment of democratic coalition government. This call is immediate
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过了四十岁,对所谓的高大上就不怎么羡慕嫉妒恨了,你的人生是什么样子,基本清晰可见。同学聚会,身材多半有些富态,谁也抗不过地心引力;调侃自己那备受摧残的容颜,头发要么斑白,要么地方支援中央;相互比的是健身,连劝酒词都变成:“我不喝,再劝,当心我会爱上你哦!”泯然一笑。  人到中年,似乎已经没有更大的空间再去改变。然而我们已经成为家庭的顶梁柱。在纷繁复杂的生活里,经历了使我们脱胎换骨的成长。  因为操