大唐湘潭发电有限责任公司3号600MW超临界机组在启动调试过程中,多次出现主汽温偏高的问题,尤其在第1次并网带负荷时最频繁,曾因汽温无法控制造成停炉。该型锅炉在其他电厂也出现过类似问题。经分析,其主要原因是:燃烧热负荷小,蒸汽流量小,即使调节阀全开一次汽减温器减温效果不明显。为此,采取加大燃油量、增加燃烧热负荷、炉膛负压控制在-600 Pa、增加油枪的根部风、控制锅炉总风量、改善燃烧、提高给水流量和蒸汽流量及给水温度等措施,解决了冲转时主汽温度偏高的问题。
Datang Xiangtan Power Generation Co., Ltd. No.3 600MW supercritical unit in the process of starting and debugging, the main steam temperature is high on many occasions, especially in the first grid with the most frequent load, once the temperature can not be caused by uncontrolled Shut down the stove. This type of boiler also appeared in other power plants similar problems. After analysis, the main reason is that: the combustion heat load is small, the steam flow is small, even if the control valve fully open once the desuperheater effect is not obvious. To this end, to take to increase fuel consumption and increase the heat load of combustion, the furnace negative pressure control at -600 Pa, increase the root of the wind gun, control the total amount of boiler air, improve combustion, increase water flow and steam flow and water temperature and other measures, Solve the main steam temperature when the issue of high temperature.