冰雪山水画研究会总会简况画会成立时间:1986年1月5日(哈尔滨)会 址:哈尔滨太阳岛雪园(未名展厅)概 况:冰雪山水画研究会是隶属黑龙江省美协国画研究会的一个群众性学术团体,下设哈尔滨、林口、北安、肇东四个分会及牡丹江冰雪山水画研究院。冰雪山水画研究会的宗旨是探讨中国画理论和实践的问题,研究北方文化,尤其是
Ice and snow landscape painting society Brief introduction The painting will be established: January 5, 1986 (Harbin) Location: Harbin Sun Island Snow Park (unsung hall) Overview: Ice and Snow Landscape Research Association is affiliated to the Association of Chinese painting in Heilongjiang Province Association A mass academic groups, under the Harbin, Linkou, Bei’an, Zhaodong four chapters and Mudanjiang Snow Landscape Institute. The purpose of the Society of Ice and Snow Landscape Painting is to explore the issues of theory and practice of Chinese painting, to study the culture of the North, especially