第十章 巴甫洛夫学锐的聪床应用 批判与徹底抛弃腐朽而反动的唯心主义的医学观点,建立以巴甫洛夫学说观点为基础的唯物主义医学观点,是我们新中国的全体医务工作者首要而迫切的光荣任务;同时也是维护人民健康,徹底向疾病作斗争的锐利武器。在本章中我们将讨论巴甫洛夫的学说及其学说的发展——贝柯夫的学说和维金斯基、乌赫托母斯基等学说的原则在医学中的伟大贡献。本章基
Chapter X. Applying Critical Theory of Pavlov’s Academic Criticism and Thoroughly Abandoning the Decaying and Reactionary Idealist Medical View and Establishing a Materialist Medical Perspective Based on the Pavlov’s Theory of View is the Whole Medical Service of Our New China First and foremost the glorious task of workers; at the same time, it is also a sharp weapon for safeguarding people’s health and thoroughly combating the disease. In this chapter we will discuss the theory of Pavlov and the development of his theory - the theory of Beike Fu and the principles of Doctrine Wigginski and Uzhutomuski in the great contribution of medicine. This chapter base