社会必须调整自身,以免成为病态的社会。人的成长过程就是自性化过程,从出生之前开始,到临死(或许)方休。“自性化”(individuation),这是荣格思想的一个重要议题。生命本质是精神(the psyche),临终前的两年里,荣格告诉我们(《回忆、梦、思考:荣格自传》),可见的人生其实是地面之下的精神偶然涌现到地面之上成为外在的生活,真正重要的是人生的不可见部分,在地面之下,如根块状植物那样具有顽强生命力。当地下生命力枯竭的时候,地上的生活就
Society must adjust itself so as not to become a diseased society. Human growth process is the process of self-nature, from before birth to dying (perhaps) side Hugh. “Individuation,” which is an important topic of Jung’s thought. The essence of life is the psyche. In the two years before his death, Jung informed us (“Memories, Dreams, Thoughts: Biography of Jung”) that the truth is that life under the ground accidentally spilled onto the ground What really counts as an external life is the invisible part of life that has the same vitality beneath the ground as a root block plant. When the earth is depleted, the life on earth is