尊敬的新加坡驻华大使陈燮荣先生、尊敬的新加坡交通与资讯科技部常任秘书陈庆鏻先生、女士们、先生们: 广州港务局与新加坡港务集团就合资经营集装箱码头项目在这里举行协议签字仪式。我代表广州市委、市政府表示热烈祝贺!对专程赶来参加仪式的新加坡客人及有关人士表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感
Dear Singapore Ambassador to China, Mr. Chen Xierong, Respected Permanent Secretary for Transport and Information Technology of Singapore Mr. Chen Qingpin, Ladies and Gentlemen, Guangzhou Port Authority and Singapore Ports Corporation held an agreement signing ceremony here on the joint venture container terminal project. On behalf of the municipal party committee and municipal government of Guangzhou, I hereby express my warmest congratulation! I extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the guests and relevant persons who made their special trip to Singapore for the ceremony