Archives is a historical record of the preservation and use value formed by state organs, organizations, enterprises, institutions and individuals engaged in social practice activities. Archives are social phenomena and are inevitable products of the development of human society. “Stalin pointed out:” The continuation of production Development, the emergence of classes, the emergence of words, the emergence of the state, and the state’s management work require a more structured document. "(Selected Works of Stalin, People’s Publishing House, p. 518) The paperwork here are the archives Material, the nature of the record of the original record of the file, it determines the history of the real record of our country is a civilization with thousands of years of history in the long history of the development process, the formation and accumulation of a large number of rich content files These files truly record the long history of civilizations and glorious revolutionary traditions of the Chinese nation and are precious cultural assets that we must develop in respect of national culture, education in patriotism and the building of a socialist material and spiritual civilization. That file is a cultural phenomenon.