Born in 1926, Clifford Geertz, a prominent American anthropologist and interpretative master, died at the age of 80 on October 30, 2006 due to complications of cardiac surgery. In the field of contemporary humanities and social sciences, Geertz’s academic research has a worldwide influence. The concepts of “deep drawing” and “local knowledge” (his translation of “local knowledge”) proposed by him profoundly influence the contemporary Social Thoughts and Cultural Studies. Geertz said: “Understanding locals - please allow me to use this dangerous term again to understand their inner forms of life and stress, rather it is more like mastering an idiom that is capturing a fantasy that is at Seeing a joke - or, as I said, is more like reading a poem, more like a cultural exchange of services and ideas. ”He said that many of the things that make humankind so brilliant Experience the meaning of life from this discipline. Although it is extremely difficult to translate in this way, it resonates widely with Chinese academics. The graceful and profound language of Gerz, inspired by the new generation of Chinese anthropology, shows us the tremendous charm of this discipline and convinces us that philosophy’s “indigenous viewpoint” has its meaning. So, we made a book review to mark the occasion.