维生素C(以下简称Vc)现在已成为一种家喻户晓的营养素,但人类发现它,却走过一段漫长的道路,付出过沉重的代价。考察Vc发现的历史,可以给我们在认识论方面提供一些有益的启示。社会实践是科学认识的源泉 Vc也叫抗坏血酸,人们发现它,是从认识它的缺乏病——坏血病开始的。十五世纪末,随着西欧资本主义的产生,航海和探险活动逐渐兴起。葡萄牙探险家瓦斯科·达·伽马(Vasco da Gama)率领的远航队,1497年7月8日离开里斯本,1498年5月20日到达印度,此行虽然开辟了通往印度的新航路,但他的160名船员中,死于坏血病者竟有百名之多。这些病人齿龈出血,肿胀溃烂;遍身皮下淤斑,轻微损伤就流血不止;腿部肌肉因出
Vitamin C (hereinafter referred to as Vc) has now become a household nutrient, but humans find it, but go a long way, to pay a heavy price. Examining the history of Vc discovery can give us some helpful insights in epistemology. Social practice is a source of scientific understanding Vc, also known as ascorbic acid, has been found to have its origins in the dearth of diseases known as scurvy. At the end of the 15th century, with the emergence of Western European capitalism, navigation and adventure activities gradually emerged. The voyage team led by the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama left Lisbon on July 8, 1497 and arrived in India on May 20, 1498. Although the new voyage opened up to India, However, among his 160 crew members, there were as many as 100 asymptomatic patients who died of scurvy. Bleeding gums in these patients, swelling and ulcers; subcutaneous ecchymosis, minor bleeding bleeding more than; leg muscles due to