Sichuan Province, in accordance with the State Council’s “Decision on the Main Points of the Current Industrial Policy,” is responsible by the Provincial Planning Commission and cooperates with the departments of the Bank, the Department of Finance, the Inland Revenue Department and other departments, and provides loans, funding arrangements, taxes, and supplies for industries and products supported The tilting policies have been implemented in many aspects such as supply and prices, and the adjustment of industrial structure and product structure has achieved initial results. If grain production has broken through the situation that has continued for several years, it has reached the highest level in history. Among the major industrial products that the Bureau of Statistics counted, 60 products that were supported by national industrial policies focused on 40 kinds of products whose output increased from the previous year; while those that restricted development were mostly controlled effectively. Once blindly developed, the small winery has closed down 4,000 or more, which is more than half of the total number. The investment structure has also been improved. Calculated according to the completed investment, can