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去年以来,杭州土地市场总体趋向平稳,随着一些热门地块的推出,也引起过几次不小的高潮,比如香港新鸿基、新加坡凯德、复地集团等地产大鳄纷纷关注杭州房地产市场,同年的湖滨地块,经过102轮激烈竞拍,由来自香港的嘉里建设以24.6亿元的价格竞得。2006年9月“杭汽发”地块最终以36.3亿元,由滨江、绿城联合竞得再次激起浪花,赢得各方关注。近期,杭州市发布了《读地手册》二期,其中详细解读了杭州自2006年10月-2007年12月近一年多的地块出让计划,39宗土地将陆续“待嫁出阁”。其中住宅项目4500多亩,33宗,这些地块集中于几大热点区域,如老城区、大城西、转塘等,当中不乏一些优良宝地;此外,大的供地组团还有下沙板块、半山田园板块,同样值得关注。一场土地盛宴正在杭州悄然开幕。 Since last year, the overall land market in Hangzhou tends to be steady. With the introduction of some popular land parcels, it has also caused a lot of ups and downs. For example, real estate speculators such as Hong Kong Sun Hung Kai, Singapore Cade and Forte Group have paid close attention to the real estate market in Hangzhou, In the same year the lakefront plots, after 102 intense auctions, from Kerry in Hong Kong for 2.46 billion yuan bid price. In September 2006, “Hangchafa” plot eventually reached 3.63 billion yuan, winning a wave of rekindling competition from Riverside and Greentown to win the attention of all parties. Recently, Hangzhou released the second phase of “Reading Manual”, detailing the land transfer plan of Hangzhou from October 2006 to December 2007 for nearly a year and 39 cases of land to be “marry out of the house.” Among them, there are 4,500 mu of residential buildings and 33 are concentrated in several hot spots, such as the Old City, the Great Western City and the Zhuantang, among which there are some fine places. In addition, there are also Xiasha Plateau, Pastoral section, the same concern. A feast of land is quietly opening in Hangzhou.
【摘要】学生学习英语在很大程度上受到教师教学质量的影响。以下是我个人关于高中英语教学的一些思考与实践。  【关键词】高中英语 问题 措施  【中图分类号】G633.41【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)22-0102-02  现代英语事业如雨后春笋,对英语教学进行改革是我国教育将要面临的迫切需要。课堂作为学生接受知识、健康成长的第二摇篮,教师的教学质量和教学实践都深刻影响