“大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。”古今多少英雄豪杰,仁人志士,在中华历史上布若繁星。仗剑凭栏,他们都有“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”的浩叹。然而,先天下之忧者确实无以计数,后天下而乐者却寥如晨星。 乱世出豪杰,草莽出英雄。每当天下大乱,生民涂炭,国家倾覆之际,就有无数热血男儿,有志之士起于草野,抱“舍我其谁”的凌云壮志,先天下之忧而忧,力挽狂澜,四海为家,扶大厦于将倾,拯斯民于水火,谱写了一
“Oh, go to the east of Dajiang, and make waves to make it through the ages.” How many heroes are heroes and heroes in ancient and modern times. Jian Jian leaned on the bar, they all have “a world of worries and worries, and the pleasures of the world”. However, it is true that those who worry about the world do not count, and those who have succeeded are not like the morning star. In the troubled times, heroes emerge from the grass. Every time there is chaos in the day and the people are covered with charcoal, when the country is overthrowing, there are countless warm-blooded men. Those with lofty ideals start from Kusano, and they hold the lofty spirit of “keep me alone”. They are the first to worry and worries, and they turn their backs. The help building will be dumped and the people will be saved.