近年来 ,随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展和完善 ,各地农业科研院所都在积极探索科技体制改革的路子 ,并摸索和积累了许多有益的经验 ,促进了农业科研单位的发展和壮大。在这方面我省各地农业科研单位都有不同的做法 ,我们浅析如下。1 科技开发的形式1 .1 全所实行一个窗口对
In recent years, with the continuous development and improvement of the socialist market economy, agricultural research institutes all over the country are actively exploring the path of scientific and technological structural reform and have explored and accumulated many useful experiences so as to promote the development and expansion of agricultural research institutes. In this regard, agricultural research institutes all over our province have different approaches, and we analyze as follows. 1 Form of Technology Development 1.1 All There is a window pair implemented