豆芫菁(Epicauta gorhanti Mars.)广布于我国南方数省,在福建各地发生相当普遍。幼虫生活在土壤中,寄生在多种蝗科昆虫的卵块里取食卵粒;成虫主要以大豆、菜豆、豇豆……等豆科作物的叶片和花瓣为食料,并能侵害甜菜、蕹菜、甘薯、棉、茄、桑……等作物。 在福州(岭后、盖山)、闽侯(林浦、城门、杜园)一带稻田的田埂内,因为多少存在有长翅稻蝗(Oxya veloxFab.)和小稻蝗(O.intricata Stal.)的卵块,容易招引豆芫菁成虫前来产卵。每年10月中、下旬至11月上、中旬间,晚稻黄熟时期,繁殖出大量的第二代豆芫菁成
Epicauta gorhanti Mars. Is widely distributed in several provinces in the south of China and occurs quite commonly across Fujian. The larvae live in the soil and parasitize eggs in the eggs of various Acrididae insects. The adults feed mainly on the leaves and petals of leguminous crops such as soybean, kidney bean, cowpea, etc. and can attack beet, Sweet potato, cotton, eggplant, mulberry ... ... and other crops. Because of the abundance of Oxya veloxFab. And O.intricata Stal in the fields of Fuzhou (Linghou, Ganshan) and Minhou (Linpu, Shimen, Duyuan) .) The egg block, easy to attract bean melon adults come to spawn. From October to mid-October, mid-October and late-ripening period of late rice, a large number of second-generation bean melatonin