再挑剔的人也会喜欢上丽江的。江南水乡的风貌竟在这高原上出现着实令人惊叹不已。来自玉龙雪山的泉水涌到城里已汇成一条条宽宽窄窄的溪流,蜿蜿蜒蜒时分时合一番缠绵之后方依依不舍流出城去。 河水既清且浅,水底印着各种花纹的石子与柔媚的水草一览无遗镜一般的水面倒映着懒
Then picky people will like Lijiang. The style of the southern Yangtze River actually appeared in this plateau is really amazing. The spring water from Jade Dragon Snow Mountain flooding into the city has converged into a narrow stream of narrow streams, winding serpentine time after a combination of lingering reluctantly outflow city. The river is clear and shallow, underwater with various patterns of gravel and lovely plants at a glance