鹤望兰Strelitzia reginae属芭蕉科多上常绿草本植物,原产南非。叶大挺秀,四季常青,姿态奇异,花形风趣,橙黄色的花萼,天蓝色的花瓣,洁白的柱头,红紫色的总苞,恰似“仙鹤”之首,故又称“极乐鸟花”。每当秋、冬盛花时节,繁花锦簇,犹如群鹤翘首,花期长达百天,适用于宾馆、会议室、接待厅、书斋等室内摆设,是世界上名贵的多年生观赏奇葩。
Strelitzia reginae Strelitzia is a more than evergreen herbaceous plantain, native South Africa. Ye Ting Ting Sau, evergreen seasons, strange posture, flower-shaped fun, orange-yellow calyx, sky blue petals, white stigma, red purple involucre, just like the “crane” in the first, it is also known as “Bliss Bird Flower.” Whenever the autumn and winter flowers season, flowers, like crowds crane eagerly, flowering up to 100 days, apply to hotels, conference rooms, reception hall, study vegetarian and other interior furnishings, is the world’s precious perennial ornamental exotic work.