医务人员在工作中,常直接暴露于病人的血、分泌物、排泄物和其它体液,但对感染乙肝病毒(HBV)的危险性往往未能得到充分的认识,现就有关问题综述如下: 总体感染HBV的估价 HBV的感染相当广泛,保守估计全世界有1.8亿带毒者,遍及世界各地。医务人员长期接待病人,难免增加HBV的感染机会。West等调查美国6000多例住院成年患者,HBsAg阳性率0.9%。Mboi等调查需要输血的97例病人,HBsAg阳性率18%,
At work, medical staff are often exposed directly to the patient’s blood, secretions, excretions and other body fluids, but the risk of infection with HBV is often not fully recognized. The following is a summary of the relevant issues: Overall Valuation of HBV Infection HBV is widespread and conservatively estimated that 180 million people around the world are infected. Medical staff receiving patients for a long time, will inevitably increase the chance of HBV infection. West and other survey of more than 6000 hospitalized adult patients in the United States, HBsAg-positive rate of 0.9%. Mboi et al investigated 97 patients who needed blood transfusions and had a positive rate of HBsAg of 18%