戈壁明珠石河子,人称“小上海”。当年一批批有志青年,从北京、天津、上海等大城市,怀着一腔热血支援边疆,石河子在全国成了一个新闻亮点。敬爱的周总理等党和国家领导人多次到石河子视察。诗人杨牧从这里走向全国,一个个新型企业由这里走向全国,一个个名声鼎沸的企业精英从这里走向全国。花圆乳品厂以及她的代表陈信忠就是其中的一个。 位于国道312西去石河子约15公里处,紧临乌伊公路,背依华侨农场场部,立着一块巨幅标牌:“花圆乳粉”,走进大门,厂房正面墙壁上绘着一幅巨型壁画,数匹骏马驰聘奔腾,记者立即感到,这幅骏马图正是花圆乳品厂的真实写照。 认识老总和董事长
Gobi Pearl Shihezi, known as “Little Shanghai.” In the same year, a batch of aspiring young people from Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other big cities, with a single blood support frontier, Shihezi in the country has become a news highlight. The beloved Premier Zhou and other party and state leaders have visited Shihezi many times. Poet Yang Mu from here to the country, a new type of business from here to the country, one famous business elite from here to the country. Flower round dairy and her representative Chen Xinzhong is one of them. Located about 312 kilometers to the Shihezi State Road 312 State Road, close to Wuyi Road, back according to overseas Chinese farms, standing a huge sign: “flower round milk powder” into the gate, the front of the factory painted a Giant murals, horses galloping horses several times, the reporter immediately felt that this horse map is the true portrayal of flower round dairy products. Meet the boss and chairman