
来源 :花木盆景(盆景赏石) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pxghq
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2002年春季的一天,笔者穿梭于南京紫金山林间,不多时便采集到几个枯树根。下午,偶见一裸露于地表的槐树枯桩,扒开土,用力摇出底根,不觉喜出望外:一个有耳、有角、有眼、有鼻、有嘴的牛首树根显现在眼前(见图一)。笔者当即锯掉多余的根枝,将其扛下山来。此根在家中放置两月有余,其间不断有很友前来观看,均称赞不已,说是个根宝,不过有的说似牛头,有的说似马头,有的说似鹿头罢了。艺术不是实物的翻版,就此根而论,也是仁者见仁,智者见智,尤其是原材料。你说它像什么,它就像什么,你说它不像什么,它就不像什么。这可能就是大家所说的“似象非象” One day in the spring of 2002, I shuttle in the Purple Mountain Forest in Nanjing, a few will be collected when a few dead roots. Afternoon, occasionally a bare surface of the ash tree withered pile, paving the soil, hard shake out the end, do not feel overjoyed: an ear, horns, eyes, nose, mouth of the first tree appears in front of cattle (See figure I). I immediately saw off the extra root, carry it down to the mountain. This root was placed in the home for more than two months, during which there are constant friends come to watch, all praised endless, saying that is a root treasure, but some say like a bull’s eye, some say like a horse, some say deer Bale. Art is not a replica of the real thing. From this point of view, the benevolent sees the benevolent, the wise seeks the wisdom, especially the raw materials. What do you say it is like, what is it like, what it is like when you say it is not like it. This may be what everyone says “like non-imagery”
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