我的语文水平本来是很低的。刚入文化学校学习的时候,只能写五六百字的叙述文。经过九个月的学习,现在我已经能够写出两三千字的叙述文和论说文了。开始学习的时候,因为写作材料难找,思路不开,我曾苦恼过。后来我的写作水平提高了,看到自己在文化学习中的收获,内心有说不出的兴奋和愉快。在“文化学习小结”里我曾经这样写:“靠辛勤劳动得来的收获,鼓舞我们去争取更大的丰收,给我们培养出新的力量!这就是我非常高兴的原因。” 从整个学习中,我深深地体会到:写作能力的提高就是思想水平的提高,也就是观察事物、分析问题的思考能力
My language level is inherently low. When entering a cultural school, they can only write five or six hundred words of narrative. After nine months of study, I have now been able to write two or three thousand words of narrative and discourse. When I started learning, I was distressed because the writing materials were hard to find and my ideas were not open. Later my level of writing improved, I saw my own gains in cultural studies, and I couldn’t tell the excitement and happiness in my heart. In the “cultural learning summary,” I once wrote: “Reaping from hard work, inspiring us to strive for greater harvest, and giving us new strength! This is why I am very happy.” "From the whole study, I deeply realized that the improvement of writing ability is the improvement of the level of thinking, that is, the ability to think about things and analyze them.