1.历史及现状 一般建筑工程所需的材料,是由发包方或承包方负责采购供应。长期以来,我国的各种社会活动是在计划经济体制下运作的,工程建设也是如此。在建筑材料的供应上,国家将工程材料按其重要程度和供应能力分为三个等级:一类是由国家统一分配的材料,简称统配材料
1. History and Current Situation The materials required for general construction work are purchased or supplied by the Employer or the Contractor. For a long time, all kinds of social activities in our country have operated under the system of planned economy, so has engineering construction. In the supply of building materials, the state will be based on the importance of engineering materials and supply capacity is divided into three levels: one is the national uniform distribution of materials, referred to as the allocation of materials