【摘 要】
The Washington Post recently put up forsale the magazine Newsweek, promptingspeculation that a Chinese companymay buy up the American publication.Regardless of what happens, thereseems to be a consens
The Washington Post recently put up forsale the magazine Newsweek, promptingspeculation that a Chinese companymay buy up the American publication.Regardless of what happens, thereseems to be a consensus in the West thatprint media is finally dying out. But thisis a conversation that has been going onfor decades. When television began todominate the mediascape years back,people thought it would kill publishing,too. It didn’t.
Clearly, China is rooting for the SouthAfricans. At least that was the case in bars acrossBeijing as crowds coagulated to watch theFIFA World Cup curtain raiser between theRainbow Nation and Mexico o
On the morning of May 20,2010, “African Culture inFocus 2010,” an event jointlyorganized by five Chinese governmentagencies, including theMinistry of Culture and the StateAdministration of Radio, Film
When it comes to what African LiberationDay means to African countries,different people may give differentanswers: independence, equality, freedom,unity and happiness, just to name a few. But nodoubt
July marks the beginning of the dog daysof summer, the season’s period of greatestheat in China. Due to physiological changespeople may have little appetite, sleep less, orbe short-tempered. Below are
After watching a live onlinebroadcast of natural deliverytwo years ago, expectantmother Gao Yun decided then andthere that when her time came shewas opting for a caesarean section(C-section) birth.
World Expo 2010 Shanghai China raised its curtain on May 1 to the anxious expectations of the world. Under the banner of “better city, better life,” more than 200 countries and internationalorganizat
chinese and African scholars will soon find it easier to research issuesrelated to each other after the Chinese Government stepped in tooffer support via a new interactive initiative.
One of the ambitions of the organizers ofWorld Expo 2010 Shanghai China is to takethe philosophy, “Better City, Better Life”and ensure it is a motto that can be shared by allhuman beings. By establish
Student exchange is an effective way foryoung minds to share thoughts, cultures andinsights. The China Education Associationfor International Exchange (CEAIE) recently selected200 student candidates f
IN the last few months the Chinese Govern-ment has allowed the Chinese currency toappreciate, meaning the possibility of thecountry losing its low-labor-cost advantageand its export might. In this mon