国际海事组织第44届海上环境保护委员会(MEPC44)今年3月在伦敦总部召开。80个成员国政府和香港派代表出席了会议,5个联合国及专门机构代表以及6个政府间组织和33个非政府间组织派观察员参加了会议。 关于OPRC公约2000年有毒有害物品污染事故防备、响应和合作议定书(HNS Protocol 2000)及相关大会决议 上届委员会已原则上批准了OPRC工作组的报告,并决定由本届委员会将工作组起草的OPRC公约的HNS议定书文本草案直接提交与本届环保会一起召开的IMO国际合作外
The 44th Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC44) of the International Maritime Organization was held in London in March this year. Eighty member Governments and Hong Kong were represented, five representatives of the United Nations and specialized agencies, six intergovernmental organizations and 33 non-governmental organizations were represented by observers. Protocol to the OPRC Convention 2000 regarding the Prevention, Response and Cooperation of Toxic Pollution Incidents (HNS Protocol 2000) and Relevant General Assembly Resolutions The previous Committee approved the OPRC Working Group’s report in principle and decided that the current session drafts the Working Group The draft text of the HNS Protocol to the OPRC Convention is submitted directly to the IMO International Cooperation