【摘 要】
1TREASURE GOURD宝葫芦In Journey to the West,a demon famously defeated the almighty Monkey King with his magic gourd,which sucked our hero into it with almost no
【出 处】
The World of Chinese
1TREASURE GOURD宝葫芦In Journey to the West,a demon famously defeated the almighty Monkey King with his magic gourd,which sucked our hero into it with almost no effort at all.In traditional Chinese folklore,the gourd possesses even more magical powers than simply swallowing bad spirits and is believed to have health benefits due to its ancient use of holding various medicines.It is also associated with fortune and good luck due to its
1TREASURE GOURD Treasure Pumpkin In Journey to the West, a demon famously defeated the almighty Monkey King with his magic gourd, which sucked our hero into it with almost no effort at all. The Chinese folklore, the gourd possesses even more magical powers than simply swallowing bad spirits and is believed to have health benefits due to its ancient use of holding medicines .It is also associated with fortune and good luck due to its
Depending on where you are,it’s near impossible to survive the Beijing heat without a fan.Plain in looks,rough and simple in its craft,a palm fan is neverthele
RED TOMATO CHUZHEN FANG红番茄楚珍舫36 Cuiwei Nanli,Wanshou Road,Beijing010-68215512Delicately holding a thin slice of pork belly with rind in both hands,the che
这是一片美丽而神奇的沃野,这是一处被生态与人文浸润的绿海,这是一座有着“天然氧吧”美称的憩园,这是一方日益吸引世界目光的热土,这就是盐城林场。她像一颗璀璨耀眼的明珠,镶嵌在丰沃的黄海之滨,绽放出夺目的光芒。 盐城林场前身创建于1959年9月,2011年3月经江苏省政府批复同意,划归盐城市亭湖区管辖,2012年4月更名为“盐城林场”。 位于亭湖区东首的盐城林场,南北长约10.5公里,东西宽约2公