在航空科技高度发展的今天,大多数事故或事故征候都是由人为过失造成的。因此,识别人为过失,降低风险,找到预防措施,是提高航空安全水平、预防事故或事故征候发生的重要手段。LOSA(Line Operations Safety Audit-航线运行安全检查),是国外最近十年发展起来的一种控制人为过失的方法。它可以协助航空公司发现安全隐患,确定飞机运营系统的优势和缺陷,同时,也能对机组的飞行技术和管理能力进行全面评估,从而提高整个系统安全的水平。1999年,国际民航组织(ICAO)正式承认并支持了这一方法,并把它作为预防人为过失的主要措施。LOSA因而成为2000-2004年度ICAO飞行安全和人为因素计划的重点。
In today’s highly developed aviation science and technology, most accidents or incidents are caused by human error. Therefore, identifying human error, reducing risk and finding precautionary measures are important means to improve aviation safety and prevent accidents or incidents. LOSA (Line Operations Safety Audit) is a method of controlling human error developed in foreign countries in recent ten years. It can help airlines identify potential safety hazards, determine the strengths and weaknesses of their aircraft operating systems and at the same time fully evaluate the crew’s flight skills and management capabilities to improve overall system safety. In 1999, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) officially recognized and supported this approach as a major measure for preventing human error. LOSA thus became the focus of ICAO’s flight safety and human factors program for 2000-2004.