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槟榔是檳榔树的坚实种子,其中含有很多的檳榔鹼。我国南部各省,尤以广东、海南島,台湾盛产槟榔。我国医学家用槟榔来治疗螩虫病,已有1,400年的历史。据現代医学临床証明,槟榔对腸道的多种寄生虫,如螩虫,蛔虫、钩虫、(?)片虫、蟯虫都具有驱除的效力;而对于螩虫的驱除作用特別值得注意。槟榔对猪肉螩虫的治癒率为100%,对牛肉螩虫的治癒率較差,为50%,对短小螩虫的治癒率为100%。槟榔能使螩虫神经痲痺,平滑肌弛緩,而使虫头不能再附着于腸管壁;同时槟榔兼有使腸壁平滑肌收縮而引起有力的蠕动,因而能将無力附着腸管壁之螩虫从肠道排出体外;一般不必另服泻药。又因为檳榔使螩虫神經麻痺,肌肉弛緩,从腸道排出的时候有伸縮性,头节不易断脱,因而有助于螩虫全虫的驅除,能根治螩虫病(螩虫头节不排除体外,就不能根治螩虫病,因为只要有头节存在于腸道內,便能很快地再生体节,长成一条完整的螩虫)。中医用槟榔煎剂驅螩虫也是很合乎科学原則的,因为槟 Betel nut is a solid seed of betel nut, which contains a lot of arecoline. The southern provinces of China, particularly Guangdong, Hainan Island and Taiwan are rich in betel nuts. Chinese medical home betel nuts have been used to treat tsutsugamushi disease for 1,400 years. According to modern medical evidence, betel nut has the efficacy of repelling various intestinal parasites such as roundworms, aphids, hookworms, (?) worms, and aphids; and the repelling action of aphids is particularly noteworthy. The cure rate of betel nut on pork aphids is 100%, the cure rate of beef aphids is 50%, and the cure rate of short beetles is 100%. The betel nut can make the worm nerve paralysis and smooth muscle relax, so that the worm head can not be attached to the intestinal wall; at the same time, the betel nut has both the contraction of smooth muscle of the intestinal wall and powerful motility, so the maggot that can not adhere to the intestinal wall can be removed from the intestinal tract. Excreted; generally do not have to take another laxative. And because betel nut makes the worm nerve paralysis, muscle relaxation, from the bowel extensibility when stretching, the first section is not easy to break off, which contribute to the removal of worms and insects, can cure tsutsugamushi disease (Aphid head section is not Exclusion can not cure tsutsugamushi disease, because as long as there is the first section in the intestine, it can quickly regenerate the body section and grow into a complete maggot.) Chinese medical betel nut decoction drive is also very scientific principle, because
<正> 一、林业生态建设现状 1.初步形成了比较完备的林业生态防护林体系。“八五”至“九五”期间共完成人工造林252万亩,飞播造林165万亩,封山育林159万亩,新建和完善农田林
通过全面踏查和样地调查相结合的方法,发现习水县园林植物主要害虫有15种,即光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabripennis、云斑天牛Batocera horsfieldi 、褐圆蚧Chrysomphalus aoni