近日在福建省龙岩市上杭县才溪纪念馆里,笔者看到一份保存至今的珍贵革命文献,这就是由中华苏维埃共和国临时中央执行委员会主席毛泽东于1933年12月15日签署的《关于惩治贪污浪费行为——中央执行委员会第26号训令》。《训令》的全文如下: 为了严格惩治贪污浪费行为,特规定惩治办法如下: (一)凡苏维埃机关、国营企业及公共团体的工作人员,利用自己的地位贪污公款以图私利者,依下列各项办理之; (甲)贪污公款在500元以上者,处以死刑。 (乙)贪污公款在300元以上者5O0元以下者,处以二年以上五年以下的监
Recently, in Shangxi County, Longyan City, Fujian Province Caixi Memorial Hall, I saw a preserved precious revolutionary literature so far, which is by the Chinese Soviet Republic temporary Central Executive Committee Chairman Mao Zedong on December 15, 1933 signed the “ Corruption and Waste - Central Executive Council Decree No. 26 ”. The full text of the Order reads as follows: In order to punish corruption and wasted behavior strictly, the following measures shall be formulated: (1) Where the staff of Soviet organs, state-owned enterprises and public organizations take advantage of their position to embezzle public funds for personal gain, (A) Those who embezzle public funds above 500 yuan shall be sentenced to death. (B) Those who embezzle public funds above RMB 300 yuan and less than RMB 50 yuan shall be sentenced to two years or more and less than five years’ supervision