Tea tax to take the business tea. In the Qing Dynasty, Cha-Cha was drafted by the government for merchants to collect tax. The draws are issued by the Ministry of households, state the terms of the provinces from the production and marketing of tea to the Department to apply for, the year for processing, then distribution. Some merchants can direct to the Department of the lead collar votes distribution, there are hawkers in the local state and county collar votes marketing, and some counties issued to vote tea plantations distribution. Per kilogram of tea as a lead, not enough to be termed as zero hundred pounds, and the other to the escort, to receive the invoice must be paid according to the provisions of class silver. Before Jiaqing, the tax levied each year, Jiangsu issued a ticket to the Jiangning Wholesale Department and Jingxi County Zhangzhu, Hunan and Hunan inspection