一个被极左派痛恨、被自由派推崇的经济学家。美国智库卡托研究所(Cato Institute)3月29日宣布,茅于轼获得该研究所颁发的2012年弗里德曼自由奖,奖金为25万美元。弗里德曼自由奖设立于2002年,每两年评选一次,今年的颁奖仪式将于5月4日在美国华盛顿市举行。获奖后,茅于轼表示:“CATO给我这个奖,说明中国在自由争取方面有了很大成功。跟其他发展中国家比,中国在这方面的成功是很了不起的。其中有我们的一份
An economist hated by the far left and respected by liberals. The US think tank Cato Institute announced on March 29 that Mao Yushi was awarded the 2012 Freeman Award for Freedom at the Institute for a prize of 250,000 U.S. dollars. The Freeman Prize for Freedom was established every two years in 2002 and this year’s award ceremony will take place on May 4 in Washington, DC. After winning the award, Mao said: ”The award given to me by CATO shows that China has enjoyed great success in its fight for freedom. Compared with other developing countries, China’s success in this respect is remarkable, including one of our