国资企业由于其特殊的企业属性,在公共传播上有其独特的路径模式。郎琴传播为珠江钢琴制定“扬政府之光,建行业之名,树企业之威”的传播方针,并策划推动一系列公关事件,成为201 2年闪耀市场的一道亮丽风景,亦为国企公共传播课题提供典范参考。
Because of their special corporate properties, state-owned enterprises have their unique path model in public communication. Lang Qin dissemination of the Pearl River Piano formulate “Yang government light, the name of the industry, the authority of the tree business,” the dissemination of guidelines, and planning to promote a series of public relations events, as 201 2 shining market a beautiful landscape, but also State-owned enterprises to provide a model for public communication topics.