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背景 艾滋病(AIDS)已经成为人类目前所面临的危害最为严重的疾病之一。艾滋病病毒(HIV)主要有三个传播途径:血液、性行为和母婴垂直传播;而通过输血传播的效率更高。由于缺乏有效的HIV筛检方法或方法应用不当以及缺乏严格的管理,通过输血传播HIV的危险极为严重,特别是在一些发展中国家。自从1985年FDA批准第一个HIV试剂用于献血员筛检以来,迄今已经生产出第4代筛检试剂。最初HIV检测试剂仅用于筛检献血员,后来成为了HIV预防工作的重要方面。目前HIV筛检已被视为国家艾滋病预防和治疗策略的重要内容。目的 评价用于献血员HIV筛检所有方法的有效性,从而找出最合适的方法,以减少HIV通过输血传播的危险。检索策略 以“HIV”、“AIDS”、“screening”、“test”、“blood donor”、“blood bank”等为主题,检索了MEDLINE、CENTRAL/CCTR、AID-SLINE、EMBASE、CBM等数据库;同时检索了WHO、UNAIDS、CDC、FDA及其相关网站,并与该领域的专家和机构联系,以获得未发表的文献。资料纳入标准 纳入了所有与献血员HIV筛检方法有关的随机对照试验(RCT)、临床对照试验(CCT);同时一些观察性研究,如队列研究、病例对照研究和历史对照研究等纳入用于敏感性分析。评价方法参照Cochrane系统评价的原则,选择纳入的研究,并对其进 Background AIDS has become one of the most devastating diseases that humans now face. There are three main routes of transmission of HIV: blood, sexual activity and vertical transmission between mother and baby, while transmission through blood transfusions is more efficient. The risk of HIV transmission through blood transfusions is extremely high, especially in some developing countries, due to the lack of effective application of HIV screening methods or methods and the lack of rigorous management. Since the FDA approved the first HIV reagent for blood donor screening in 1985, Generation 4 screening reagents have so far been produced. The first HIV testing reagents were used only to screen blood donors and later became an important aspect of HIV prevention efforts. HIV screening has now been considered as an important part of national AIDS prevention and treatment strategies. Purpose To evaluate the effectiveness of all methods used for HIV screening of blood donors to find the most appropriate method to reduce the risk of HIV transmission through blood transfusions. Search Strategy The databases of MEDLINE, CENTRAL / CCTR, AID-SLINE, EMBASE and CBM were searched on the topics of “HIV”, “AIDS”, “screening”, “test”, “blood donor” and “blood bank” At the same time, WHO, UNAIDS, CDC, FDA and their related websites were searched and contacted with experts and institutions in this field for unpublished literature. Data inclusion criteria All randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and clinical controlled trials (CCTs) associated with HIV screening methods for blood donors were included; some observational studies such as cohort studies, case-control studies and historical controls were included Sensitivity analysis. Evaluation methods with reference to the principles of Cochrane Systematic Review, select the study included, and its progress
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