时光 那门、那墙和那锁

来源 :中国人力资源社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feng861013
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小时候在村里,只有从口外赚回钱来的人才起房盖屋。他们把院门造得牢固华贵,只是为了炫耀而已。那年月邻居之间,只隔一堵不到一人高的土墙,你家碗里吃的啥,我家炕头睡的谁,都一目了然。夜不闭户,路不拾遗,是村子传承的民风。所以那时候每家最闲的,就数祖上传下来的那把大铁锁。人们只听过谁家的猪羊被野狼祸害了,却很少听说哪家失盗。院墙垒低,不隔人心;门不上锁,增强互信;越穷越不分你我,邻里变成一家人。 When I was a child in the village, only people who made money from the outside became self-raised houses. They made the courtyard strong and luxurious, just to show off. Between the neighbors of that year, only separated by a wall of less than one person high, what you eat in the bowl, who slept in my house, are at a glance. The night is not closed, the road is not picked up, is the folk heritage of the village. So at that time each of the most busy, on the ancestors handed down the big iron lock. People who heard only the wolf who was wolf scourge, but rarely heard of theft. Courtyard wall barrier is low, not separated from people’s hearts; door is not locked, enhance mutual trust; the more the poor regardless of you and I, the neighborhood into a family.
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