从本期开始,“创意策划”专栏由本刊与重庆舒明武创意工作室合办。我们将以富有新意的系列文章,为眼镜业界人士提供智力服务。 舒明武,中国职业创意策划人,重庆企业形象策划专家团专家,舒明武创意工作室主任,以其创意策划的新颖独特、奇妙壮观,层出不穷而知名于世。 1993年底创意策划“毛泽东诞辰100周年纪念名片”,全套32张,集文物,史料、收藏于一体,一出世便引起轰动,被报界与收藏界誉为“中国第一名片”,“人间奇迹世无二天下收藏第一珍”…… 1994年起致力于中国策划产业的开拓,一方面发表了大量的创意策划文章,另一方面担任了多家企业,广告公司,报社的顾问,为其进行了创意咨询策划。 1997年初由河南人民出版社出版发行《创意风暴》,同年还发表了反响强烈的“重庆振兴九大创意”,“邓小平纪念广场创意策划”……相继在《商界》、《销售与市场》、《企业销售》、《中国商人》,《经理人》,《智囊》,《厂长经理日报》等报刊上发表了许多重耍文章:“迎接创意经济时代“,“现代企业,创意制胜”、“企业首需好战略“、“中国脑谷”、“产品定位创意漫谈”、“新创意掘出新财源”、”送给中国企业家的十六个字”、“中国营销的六种武器”……受到各地读者的高度和赞赏。 1999年,以“主动创意的西南策划人”
Starting from this issue, “creative planning” column by the publication and Chongqing Shu Mingwu creative studio. We will provide a series of innovative new articles to provide intellectual services to those in the optical industry. Shu Mingwu, a professional creative planner in China, an expert in Chongqing corporate image planning expert group and a director of Shu Mingwu Creative Studio, are renowned for their unique novelties, wonderful spectacle and endless stream of ideas. The end of 1993 creative planning “Mao Zedong’s 100th anniversary business card”, a full set of 32, set of cultural relics, historical data, collection in one, was born aroused a sensation, was the press and collectors as “China’s first business card”, “ The world’s best collection of the first Jane ”...... 1994 dedicated to China’s planning industry development, on the one hand published a large number of creative planning articles, on the other hand as a number of companies, advertising agencies, newspaper consultants for its Conducted a creative consulting planning. At the beginning of 1997, the “Creative Storm” was published and published by Henan People’s Publishing House. In the same year, “Nine Creations of Rejuvenation in Chongqing” and “Creative Planning of Memorial Square in Deng Xiaoping” were also published with great repercussions. In succession, “Business,” “Sales and Marketing, Many important articles have been published in newspapers and periodicals such as ”Business Sales“, ”Chinese Businessmen“, ”Managers“, ”Think Tanks“ and ”Factory Manager’s Daily“: ”Meeting the Age of Creative Economy,“ ”Modern Enterprise, “Good business first strategy”, “China brain valley”, “product innovation creative talk”, “new ideas new sources of finance”, “give the Chinese business people the word”, “China’s marketing of six kinds of weapons ”... by the height and appreciation of readers everywhere. In 1999, with “initiative creative southwest planner”