
来源 :牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eric2751
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我们自1988年以来用光固化树脂涂层共遮盖修复各类变色牙和牙列畸形等共299例,1745个牙。现就其脱落和折裂的常见原因和预防改进措施予以探讨。 1 未经预备的牙面涂层后期脱落和折裂发生率比较高。酸蚀前,釉质表面要先行预备,最好在距龈缘0.5mm处和邻面轴角处形成台阶,可增加固位力。同时也可避免塑形时龈沟液的渗入而影响粘接 2 隔湿措施不力是影响涂层脱落的重要因素,包括唾液,呼吸气流中所含的水雾、龈沟液,龈沟液在牙龈有炎症时尤为明显。预防措施:使用橡皮障 Since 1988, we have covered a total of 299 cases and 1745 teeth with a variety of color-changing teeth and dentition defects. Now it is common reasons for its fall off and fracture and preventive measures to be explored. 1 without the preparation of the tooth surface coating late off and the incidence of fracture is relatively high. Before etching, the surface of the enamel should be prepared first, preferably at a distance of 0.5mm from the gingival margin and the abutment axis angle to form a step, which may increase the retention force. At the same time can also avoid shaping the gingival crevicular fluid infiltration and affect the bonding 2 Moisture impermeability is an important factor affecting the coating shedding, including saliva, respiratory airflow contained in the water, gingival crevicular fluid, gingival crevicular fluid Gingival inflammation is particularly evident. Precautions: Use rubber dam
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