
来源 :初中生优秀作文 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donnybaby
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近年来,新课程改革的全新理念给初中数学课堂教学带来了全新的变化,数学课堂教学质量有了显著提高。但是,随着新课程改革的不断深入,一些深层次的问题也随之出现,成为当前众多初中数学教师共同面临的重要问题。为此,本文以当前我国初中数学教学发展现状为基础,以新时代教育教学发展为契机,从教学理念、教学方法与教学形式三方面,提出了初中数学课堂教学改革创新的几点策略。 In recent years, the new concept of new curriculum reform has brought new changes to mathematics classroom teaching in junior high schools, and the quality of mathematics classroom teaching has significantly improved. However, with the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform, some deep-seated problems have also emerged, which has become an important issue facing many junior high school mathematics teachers. Therefore, based on the current situation of the development of mathematics teaching in junior high schools in China, and taking the opportunity of the development of education and teaching in the new era, this paper puts forward several strategies for the reform and innovation of mathematics classroom teaching in junior high schools from three aspects: teaching philosophy, teaching methods and teaching forms.
一个朋友买新房,要去银行取公积金。几年前他取过一次,排了三个多小时队,心存恐惧落下阴影,总觉得去就要排长队。银行门口不能停车,他住得远,工作又忙,害怕耽误时间。前一天晚上电话聊天,先高谈阔论文学,说着说着,无意中谈到这事,立刻唉声叹气,恨自己干吗又要换房子。  结果第二天他给我打电话,一个劲说自己鸿运高照,开车去银行,居然有车位,居然还不收费。更夸张的是一进门,大堂人满为患,仿佛电影准备开场的架势