制作高水平的合同与法律咨询文书是体现律师业务能力的一 个基本技能和重要标志。中华全国律师协会曾于2003年1月8日 至11日举办了第一期“合同与法律咨询文书制作及国际商务谈判 技能讲座”,有近500名律师参加学习。应广大律师要求,全国律协 在4月2日至5日又在京举办了第二期“合同与法律咨询文书制作 及国际商务谈判技能讲座”。在本期讲座中,又有近400名律师参 加,律师们对讲座评价是“非常好”或者“好”。 “合同与法律咨询文书制作及国际商务谈判技能讲座” 由路伟 国际律师事务所协办。该所为全球十大国际律师事务所之一,尤以 律师培训而著称。讲座的主讲人是路伟所北京办事处主任合伙人吕 立山先生(RobertLewis)和北京办事处项目专员江宪胜先生。此外, 该所资深律师梁镇宇(AllanLeung)、韩杰铭(James Higbee)、罗德源(ColinLaw)、白凯琳(KatrinaPartridge)、区满荣(Hans Au)、王景、管冰 轩,以及英国诺丁汉法学院布罗特(GilesProctor)教授和全国律协前 会长任继圣先生也应邀分别在讲座中向广大律师传授了自己的宝 贵经验。 讲座主要采用英语授课,并由江宪胜先生以其独到的汉语思维
Making a high-level contract and legal advice document is a basic skill and an important indicator of the lawyer’s professional ability. The All China Lawyers Association held the first “Lecture on Contract and Legal Consultation Documents Creation and International Business Negotiation Skills” from January 8 to January 11, 2003 with nearly 500 lawyers participating in the study. At the request of the majority of lawyers, the National Lawyers Association held another “Lecture on Contract and Legal Consultation Papermaking and International Business Negotiation Skills” in Beijing from April 2 to April 5. In this talk, there are nearly 400 other lawyers participating, and lawyers are “very good” or “good” about the talks. “Lecture on Contract and Legal Consultation Document Creation and International Business Negotiation Skills” is co-organized by Lu Wei International Law Firm. The Institute is one of the top 10 international law firms in the world, especially lawyer training. The lecture was delivered by Robert Lewis, Partner Partner of Lu Wei’s Beijing Office, and Mr. Jiang Xian Sheng, Project Specialist, Beijing Office. In addition, senior lawyers Allan Leung, James Higbee, Colin LaW, Katrina Partridge, Aunt Au, Wang Jing, Guan Bingxuan, and Briggs Law School of Nottingham, (Professor GilesProctor) and former president of the National Bar Association Ren Jisheng also invited to the lawyers were taught in the seminar their valuable experience. The lectures are mainly taught in English and Mr. Jiang Xiansheng, with his unique Chinese thinking,