复方吐根散(Pulvis Ipecrcuanhae Composita) 杜佛氏散,陀氏散,Pulvis Ipecacuanhae et Opii Pulvis Opii et Ipecacuanhae Composita, Pulvis Doveri, Dover’s Powder。复方吐根散是十八世紀时一位名叫湯姆斯·杜佛(Thomas Dover)(1660—1742)的英国医师首先採用的,所以名“杜佛氏散”或“陀氏散”(Pulvis Doveri;Dover’s Powder),当时用作發汗剂,所以又称为“發汗散”(Pulvis Diaphoreticum)。这个制剂發現以后,因为它的功效确切,使用簡便,所以很受欢迎,並且流傳到了許多国家,風行一时,並收載于許多国家的药典中,列为法定制剂。各地的医务工作者,提起
Pulvis Ipecrcuanhae Composita Dufoss scattered, Duo Shisan, Pulvis Ipecacuanhae et Opii Pulvis Opii et Ipecacuanhae Composita, Pulvis Doveri, Dover’s Powder. The compound spit root was first adopted by a British physician named Thomas Dover (1660—1742) in the 18th century, so it was called “Dufoss scattered” or “Duo Sansan”. “(Pulvis Doveri; Dover’s Powder), used as a sweating agent at the time, was also called ”Pulvis Diaphoreticum." After the discovery of this preparation, because of its efficacy and ease of use, it was very popular and spread to many countries. It was popular and was included in the pharmacopoeia of many countries as a legal preparation. Medical workers around the world